Manhole adjustments
Due to a road project scheduled for this fall on Pioneer Road, Wahgouly Road and Curtiss Drive, manhole adjustments are scheduled to begin the 2nd-3rd week in August. Notices are being delivered by the Town of Wilson to residents that are affected.
Tax Rolling
Any past due amounts on residents accounts not paid before November 15th, 2024 will have the remaining balance tax rolled onto the corresponding property’s tax bill. This is State Statute and we do not have any control over holding amounts back from being tax rolled.
2023 Sanitary District 1 Approved Budget
Garbage Collection
The Town of Wilson does not provide garbage collection, but private service is available for hire. If you are interested in private garbage collection, two available companies provide collection in our area.
New Construction Standards
What my contractor needs to know
Billing Information
Online Bill-Pay by card is easy. Both credit and debits cards are accepted.
1) Go to
2) Complete member registration (have your bill handy)
3) Enter municipal code: SD1WilsonWI
$3 Service fee per transaction under $100 will apply (100% of fee goes to card processing vendor)
Automatic payments are withdrawn from accounts on or after the 15th of the month during a billing cycle.
(January 15th, April 15th, July 15th and October 15th)
Easy and convenient. Just call the Sanitary Office at (920)694-0088 or email us from your desired e-mail account. You can request emailed bills instead of a paper bill in the mail.
Sanitary District No. 1 meetings are held the first and third Monday of each month, to begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Town Conference Room. Sanitary District No. 2 meetings are held the third Monday of each month, immediately following the Sanitary District No. 1 meeting, also held at the Town Conference Room.
View current and archived minutes for both Sanitary Districts.
Commissioners of Sanitary Districts
Matthew Fore President – 920-212-0280
Nancy DesJardins, Commissioner – 920-457-1230
Stu Stempihar Commissioner – 920-452-4895
Tom Stoelb Commissioner – 920-627-5647
Mike Yocius Commissioner – 920-698-9399
Sanitary Districts General Contact
Karen Bollwahn, Sanitary District Administrator – 920-694-0088, 920-452-0548 (fax)
Julie Wicker, Secretary of Sanitary – 920-208-2390
Shawna Hall, Treasurer of Sanitary – 920-208-2390
Sanitary District No. 1 Forms
Authorization Agreement for Automatic Debit
Request for Name and Address Change
Sanitary District #1 Ordinances
Section 1: General
Section 2: Assessments
Section 3: Charges and Payment Policy
Section 4: Construction Policy
Section 4.03 Backflow Prevention
Section 5: Billing Practice
Section 6: Finances
Section 6.03 Amendment
Section 7: Industrial Sewage Pre-Treatment
Section 8: Enforcement of Wastewater Pre-Treatment Requirements
Section 9: Sewer Service Charges from Sheboygan
Section 10: Equivalent Housing Units and Wastewater Characteristics
Section 11: Mutual Aid Agreement
Clearwater Ordinance